Ditch the paper!

Tap and share your contact details!

NFC Card

Every vCard Nexus business card has a chip inside that wirelessly sends your information to a phone.

Tap & Share

When you tap the card on a compatible phone, a contact card in the cloud appears with all of your information automatically pre-populated.

Control & Update

You determine what contact information is going to be shared: Phone, eMail, website, address, social media accounts, etc! The owner of the phone just has to hit “save”.

Revolutionize your networking!

The deployment of NFC business cards is poised to revolutionize networking by replacing paper cards with a sustainable and tech-savvy solution. NFC technology allows information to be shared with a simple tap between smartphones, eliminating the need for printing and distributing paper cards. This not only saves businesses money on printing costs, but also minimizes paper waste. Additionally, NFC business cards can be easily updated with current contact information or website links, ensuring that the shared details are always accurate. This integration with technology allows for a more dynamic and user-friendly exchange of information compared to traditional static business cards. vCard Nexus can assist you in choosing which products and technologies fit best within your budget and needs.